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That's right! We want to give you a free book on the house for supporting us! We appreciate your support and we wanna show it! Starting August 1st, we are sending 3 lucky peeps a free Revenant Books title of our choice each month absolutely free for participating! |
Its easy, just follow these simple steps and be on your way to gettin' lucky! 1. Pick the banner you want to use 2. Copy(right click) the code below the banner 3. Paste the code to your myspace page, website, or forum(more directions below if you need 'em) 4. Email giveaway@revenantbooks.com and let us know where you put it up. We'll need the exact URL to check it out, along with your shipping info. 5. Kick back and wait to see the winners announced each month on the winners circle page, it might be YOU!
Note~We will randomly pick a day of the month for the giveaway. You must have our banner up at the time of the raffle to be eligible to win. Each email will be assigned a number. Winners will be chosen by a randomly generated numbers method. Participants are only eligible for one book per month, but will be entered in the next months giveaway, even if they have won previously, as long as they keep participating. |
Pick one, and copy the code underneath. This code will generate the banner above it once pasted into your page.
<a href="http://www.revenantbooks.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j149/shagbuilt/Stuff/GiveawayBanner2.jpg"></a> <a href="http://www.revenantbooks.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j149/shagbuilt/Stuff/GiveawayBanner1.jpg"></a> <a href="http://www.revenantbooks.com/giveaway.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j149/shagbuilt/Stuff/GiveawayBanner3.jpg"></a> |
For MySpace: Copy the code under the banner that you want to use on your page, and paste the code into your profile. You can accomplish this by going to your MySpace homepage and clicking on Edit Profile. Under the Personal Info-Interests and Personality section, paste the code in either the About Me, Who'd I'd Like to Meet, Interests, or Books section of your profile. Make sure you don't split up other code already there, and click preview profile. If it all looks good, and the banner takes you to www.revenantbook.com, click SAVE. You're done! Now email us about your success! Websites and Forums: This should only be done by someone who knows what they are doing! We are not responsible for unwanted changes to html pages! Copy the code under the banner that you want to use on your page, and paste the code into the html page where you want it to show up, make any size changes you need to the code and then refresh the page by reuploading it to your server.